Sunday, July 12, 2009

Someone called me...

yesterday and said in her message, "Have you killed him yet? I'm sure you're stressed. Call me." I really had no idea what my girlfriends were talking about when they said they were going to kill their soon to be husbands or that they were about 2 seconds away from calling the whole thing off the week of their wedding. Maybe now I have an inkling of what they were feeling. I'm not going to kill him and I'm not calling anything off, not to worry. But when simple things like me wanting tortilla chips and him wanting Doritos sends me stomping off in the opposite direction of him in a grocery store, I know the stress is getting to me. So, in this final week before the wedding I am trying to tell myself to through my nose, out through my mouth.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

"Behave now..."

said Clementine at the County Clerks office in Santa Rosa. Yesterday Richard and I ventured out to get our marriage license. Richard was all jokes and smiles, even clapping for the couple in front of us who was also applying for their marriage license. He made funny quips about how this was the last day of freedom, how we can't turn back now, and my personal favorite when there were two Richard Clark's with different brides in the system..."Don't tell her there's another woman!" And even though he raised his right hand and recited the "name change" statement with more emotion than the best actor out there, it was fun and exciting to do this life-changing thing together. I'm ready for next weekend and a lifetime of fun with my groom.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Month of July...

Is crazy before it's even started. It's approximately 22 minutes before July 1st and I already feel overwhelmed by the weight of this month. 17 days till the wedding, 13 days before I head down to San Luis for wedding extravaganza, 12 days till we have to move out of our house and into a storage unit till after the honeymoon, and in the mean time there are about a million things to do. Everyday the list gets longer. You'd think it would get shorter, but it doesn't...longer. Weird.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Graduate...

Last weekend Bo graduated from Southern Oregon University. It is amazing to me to think that my little brother; the one I used to call names, the one who's room I used to sneak into when I was scared at night, is old enough to be graduating from college. It was so fun to watch him walk in a long line of other soon-to-be college graduates to his seat and later across the stage to get his diploma. I wonder if he was nervous or thinking, "Wow, how the hell did I pull this one off?" The speakers were surprisingly charming, and inspiring. The weather was great and they even said his name right, which might be the most impressive part of the day. Dad, mom, Doug, Desiree, Rich, and I all got to celebrate with Bo throughout the weekend. In September there will be a family BBQ to continue the party for Bo and his special accomplishment. I'm so excited.

Monday, June 22, 2009

A problem of the heart...

It's been a bit of a stressful time for Richard and I lately. I was in Oregon visiting my family and Richard was in Santa Rosa working when he got a call last week that his mom had a heart attack. She's obviously a strong lady because she had guests over while it all happened and she didn't even seem to notice, except that her chest was hurting. Beth is generous and loving to a fault. She has been in the hospital ever since and they seem to think the problem happened in the middle of her heart not the arteries. They are going to do tests today and then hopefully we'll know more.
Rich is headed down to LA this morning while I stay here to take care of a million appointments, some in Santa Rosa and some in San Luis Obispo. I wish I was there with all of them more than I wish to take care of details that seem a little trivial right now. On the inside I feel bad and hope that Rich and his family don't think I believe wedding appointments are more important than family. And while I'm feeling that, yesterday Rich says, "I just don't want you to feel like I think all of the wedding details aren't important, because they are." Coming into the last part of this big event I so appreciate that Rich is mindful of my feelings even when this huge thing is happening with his mom. So, we go into a second week apart and I pray that God will mend Beth's problem of the heart.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

30 Days and Counting...

till the big day. Rich and I are so excited for our wedding and all the different parts of that time. BBQ, the rehearsal, some pampering, the wedding day, and of course the honeymoon in Belize. All the final details are coming together. I am nervous I admit, but Rich is so sweet and reassures me all the time of the amazing wedding and life we will have together. Can't wait!

Pictures will be up soon!